
Slow scrolling

This invitation is to navigate at a slow and calm pace. If you feel you're not in the mood, you can come back at another time.

You will always be welcome.

It can be a personal reading or shared with someone.

Before starting the reading, I recommend finding a comfortable place where you can stay for the next 30 minutes or so.

For this reading and visualization, I suggest relaxing your gaze as much as possible, relaxing it to the point where things appear almost blurry—it's okay, nothing will happen.

I would like you to find this song to accompany you during the practice:
Move your heart de Lou Reed

If you've made it this far, your mind already knows where this is going. Now, let's ask the body to prepare itself for internal listening. To do this, we'll help it a little by oxygenating the joints and gently making subtle movements to bring it into sync with your mind's intention. Stretch out, no one is rushing you, stretch whatever you need to stretch.

Move your shoulders, head, and spine in circles, breathe, take your time to do whatever you feel like doing.

Some ideas: twist your spine to the right and left, hug yourself, and tilt your head down to stretch your neck and spine.

When you feel your body is relaxed and ready to begin, you can continue reading.

Let's begin:

Take a deep breath, let's do this about five times. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, don't change your rhythm, you’re connecting with your present rhythm.

Become aware of the rhythm pulsing in your heart, you can place your hand on your chest to feel it, breathe while feeling the heartbeat.

Close your eyes and open them again to return to this text, as many times as necessary.

Do a body scan to perceive the distance between your head and your hips, between your right shoulder and left shoulder, between your right knee and left elbow. How close are your ears to your shoulders?

Is there any tension that can be relaxed? Take three deep breaths and continue reading.

Imagine that with each breath, a small and powerful seed emerges from your crown chakra—what weight does it have?

On your next inhale, visualize a thread of water falling over your head to water that seed and connect you directly with the sky.

With each breath, this seed will gently travel down your spine, slowly gliding through each of your vertebrae, until it reaches your tailbone, the base of your spine, and rests there.

Take a few minutes to breathe and go through this journey again in your imagination.

With each breath, imagine that from the seed, bright white threads begin to emerge and travel through your body: hips, legs, toes, one toe, two toes, three toes... ankles.

These threads are designed to dance through those areas that need a little more light. Breathe with each of their movements, nothing is rushing you.

This luminous thread will release a thick liquid along its path that slides from inside your body to the outside. It escapes through the pores of your skin, taking away the fatigue and weight of your mind.

The drops travel across your skin until they reach the ground and detach from your body.

Meanwhile, the internal threads continue to travel up your body. Now they move slowly because they begin to encounter more twists and turns, gently traveling through the space, the threads move upwards along your spine and, as they rise, they transform into stems with bright green and yellow sparks, glowing points levitating inside your body. Pause and observe them.

When they reach your chest, let's observe the rhythm of your heart and how those glowing stems illuminate your chest, we'll stay here for a moment, massaging your chest with each breath.

When you're ready, I invite you to focus on the image. Breathe about 3-5 times, resting your gaze in the center of the image.

Then continue with a slow scroll.

Visualize how the movement of your breath begins to create space, intuitively align your spine, and release your tongue from the roof of your mouth.

Go back, close your eyes to do a body scan, reviewing what you've visualized so far.

When you open your eyes, become aware that within your apparent stillness, there are fluids inside your body that are constantly moving to make your existence possible.

Go back to a slow scroll and observe the following image for three more breaths.

What texture is emerging? How frequently does it move? What context do I need to connect with my vulnerability? Who do I want to embrace today?

I invite you, once again, to do a slow scroll and connect with the following image for about 3 breaths.

Gradually, you'll visualize the petals in front of your chest. They are soft, touching your skin, with a cool temperature. They continue to grow, traveling across the largest organ in your body, your skin. They drip, they slide.

Petals fall down your abdomen, and you feel them embrace your back. Your neck stretches, and the petals caress the nape of your neck.

Esta flor que sale hacia afuera está conectada con los tallos y los hilos luminosos que siguen latiendo internamente. Tu coxis y tu chakra corona permanecen conectados. Tu cuerpo se está transformando, en el aire hay olor a jazmín y magnolia.

Dejamos de lado el cuerpo tal y como lo conocemos, estamos llegando al final, te invito a detenerte en la siguiente imagen respirando hondo cuantas veces quieras, entre abriendo y cerrando los ojos.

Lentamente vamos a ir volvendo. Tomá consciencia de los sonidos que te rodean.

Mové lentamente los dedos de tus pies, tus manos. Recorré con tu lengua la boca, desperesate si lo necesitás, repirá profundo unas tres veces, sacá el aire por la boca.

Tomate el tiempo que necesites para establecer conexión con el afuera.

Hasta aquí mi compañía.