Selected projects
"Organismos" is an exciting feature-length documentary that delves into the extraordinary and ethereal journey of three enigmatic beings, united by destiny to breathe life into forgotten territories through a captivating mix of narrative, dance and the incomprehensible. As they navigate a world trapped by universal chaos, their existence becomes a profound exploration of generation, diversity, and the profound interconnectedness of life.
Set against a backdrop of desolate landscapes and decaying remains, the documentary unravels the mystery of these beings, each of which has a distinct identity that represents different facets of the human experience. Born in abandoned territories, once teeming with human life, they embark on a quest to decipher the enigmatic echoes of the past, fusing their narratives with evocative and hypnotizing movements that transcend language, expressing the depth of their emotions and experiences.
As they travel, a symphony of movements seems to stir the very essence of the abandoned kingdoms, revealing a hidden and incomprehensible connection between beings, the earth and the universe itself. Anthropological, philosophical and astrophysicist caresses weave an intricate tapestry of thought, underscoring the parallelism between inner chaos and the vast cosmic chaos that governs existence.
The visual splendor of this documentary captures the explorations of the beings of their environment, as they discover the stories of those who once inhabited these lands, reflecting their own journeys of loss, renewal and transformation.
Through their interactions, abandoned territories undergo an astonishing metamorphosis, resonating with the resilience of past generations, while heralding a harmonious future of unity and diversity.
"Organisms" incites the audience to confront the universal chaos that underlies existence, inviting them to reflect on the enigmatic forces that unite all living beings. The film celebrates the power of dance as a transcendent language and the eloquence of silence, encouraging viewers to embrace the incomprehensible and find meaning in movement.
collective of the three beings, harmonizing with the eternal rhythm of the constantly changing universe.
As the journey unfolds, “Organisms” invites us to reconsider our place within the cosmic web, celebrating the beauty of diversity and the shared pulse of life in the midst of chaos. Through movement and storytelling, this documentary becomes a fascinating exploration of the human spirit's ability to heal, renew, and ultimately harmonize with the grand design of the universe.
Script: Agustin de Olarte, Cecilia Moreira and Nicole Saule
On set Director: Agustin de Olarte
AD: Cecilia Moreira
DOP: Nicole Saule
Camera Operator: ‘Icaro González
Garrer: Belen Schneider
Sound Director: Cecilia Moreira
Live sound: Luan Antunez
General and executive director: Agustin de Olarte and Cecilia Moreira
Producer: Luna Pereyra
Art and costume design: Nicole Saule
Milena Marino, Melissa Garcia and Maxi Sondereguer