Selected projects

A Ritual for Tender Hearts

It resonates like a gentle tap upon inner fortresses and the ribs without, a symphony of one and two. It swells and recedes, a dance of breath, a rhythm of life in one and two. A rippling balloon, it drifts away, then returns, a poetic dialect of everlasting flow. The blood, it courses within, while all outside remains serene.

Photo: Maite Rodriguez

Practice and performance:
Luna Anaïs & Milena Mariño

Music: Santikbm



Keep near a candle and an ice cube.

Face an altar and arrange the pieces in such a way that, when you see them, awakens a sensation that's a hybrid of desire and tranquility.

Take a deep breath and light the candle.

Rub your hands for three seconds,

Open and close your eyes a couple of times.

In your right hand, hold an ice cube,

Desire its permanence despite the cold.

With the candle, illuminate your left palm.

Stay there.

Close your eyes and visualize entering a cold sea, swimming to the depths like a mermaid, and in the deepest part, you encounter an intense, immense fire.

Stay there.

When you open your eyes, let your hands carry out their wintery tasks.

The same ice,

The same fire,

Let the ice vanish between your fingers.

You've activated your hands,

Your fingers are invisible waves,

In each palm, a portal.

Practices on telepathy, our hearts, and being together



Telepathic Mudra.

Luna Mariño

Milena Anaïs

Left Thumb ————- Left Ring finger

Right Thumb ————- Left Pinky finger

Right Pinky finger ——— Left Middle finger

Left Index finger ——- Right Ring finger

Right Middle finger ———- Phalanx of the Left Thumb

Right Index finger ———- knuckle of the Left Thumb

A Ritual for Tender Hearts was initially created in the context of VIDRIERA LAVADERO: A place in the middle of an avenue, a thoroughfare, on the way to somewhere else. A place of many times within one, between the public and the private. A space open to sensitive practices that democratize artistic expressions. An intimacy observed from the outside.

A gallery of experiments and events, a window into live practices.